Transmissions Are Important

When was the last time you actually thought about the transmission in your vehicle? Probably not recently. If your vehicle is in good shape and you keep up with maintenance, it's probably not crossed your mind, unless you've had a problem with it. The transmission is a major part of your vehicle functioning properly because it helps you move your vehicle in the direction you want it to go at the speed you want it to go at. If you drive a car with a manual transmission or you have in the past, you are likely somewhat familiar with the speed aspect. You switch between gears that help your wheels spin at faster rates. In cars with automatic transmission, this is part of how the vehicle operates and is not something you have to tend to yourself. (Some vehicles offer both as an option.)

Without your transmission working properly, your vehicle may not change gears easily, or at all.

It might behoove you to learn a little bit about checking your transmission yourself. You should refer to your vehicle manual for the specific details since some transmissions need to be checked while the car is in a certain gear, and often the vehicle needs to be hot, but you'll want to be sure before you start. A manual can also help you locate the dipstick for your transmission. Like your oil dipstick, it can tell you how much fluid is in your vehicle and whether or not you need more. (Again, refer to your manual for details on how to check.)

You also may want to examine the color and scent of your transmission fluid. If it smells like it's burnt, that's an indication that your transmission might be overheating. If the color doesn't match regular transmission fluid, that could be a sign that there are some other internal issues. These are signs that you should think about taking your car to a mechanic. Other signs include:

  • Hard shifting: In manual transmissions, this may mean you have to fight to get the car into the correct gear. In automatics, it will be more of a jerking sensation as the car shifts gears.
  • Noisy shifting: If your car suddenly is making a lot more noise (especially a grinding noise) when shifting, that is cause for concern.
  • Delay when stepping on the gas: If your car takes a moment or so after you've stepped on the gas to actually move, it may be a transmission problem
  • Gears slipping: If you've had your car suddenly drop into neutral when you were driving, definitely you need to get the car looked at. It's likely a transmission problem, but it's also definitely a safety hazard.
  • Red fluid under your car: Transmission fluid is red. If you're seeing red fluid under your car, that's a sign you've got a leak in your transmission, and need to get it looked at.

The transmission is really important to your vehicle's health, so if you sense that there are any problems with it at all, it's a good idea to get it looked at.

About Me

Servicing Your Four Wheels and More

When you think about it, cars are pretty complex machines. Their engines have to generate enough power to propel a few thousand pounds of material down a highway. They need to be comfortable inside, and they need to glide along smoothly on their rubber tires. In order to maintain this top function, your car will need some care from time to time. This includes basic maintenance like oil changes, and it also includes larger repairs, like changing the timing belt. Thankfully, we have auto service shops to do this work for us. In an expression of gratitude towards them, we started this blog.



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